
Front End Design Tools Vb Net

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BCA 3rd sem Front End Design Tools VB. Net paper 2018

Introduction to .Net, Two tier and Three tier client server model, .Net Architecture, Features of .Net, .Net Framework, Memory management issues – Garbage Collector and collection process, Exception Handling, Code Access Security, Creating a project, Data types, Working with Data Structures, Array, Arrays List, Enumerations, Introduction to procedures, argument passing mechanisms, Loops, Interacting with controls, Listbox, Dialog Controls, Classes and Objects, Constructors, Inheritance, Overloading, Creating and Using Namespaces,

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  • 2.a.

    (a) What is Array List? Explain five methods of Array List Class with example.

    Array List Array list is a type of dynamic array which resizes automatically to add new elements. We can also add and remove items from a list. It also allows searching, sorting and indexing items in the list. Properties of Array List 1. Add Adds the... Read complete answers


  • 2.b.

    (b) What is Client Server model? Explain Two and Three Tier Model.

    Two Tier Client Server Architecture The Client server Architecture allows multiple users to access the database at the same time as long as they are accessing data in different parts of the database. other huge benefit is that the server is proce... Read complete answers


  • 3.a.

    (a) Explain Dot Net Architecture and its various components (such as CLS, CTS, CLR foundation class libraries etc.).

    Components of .NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR) CLR is responsible for execution of a program which can be of any programming language. The code which runs under the CLR is known as managed code. The program which CLR takes fro m the use... Read complete answers


  • 3.b.

    (b) Explain exception handling techniques in VB.Net

    Exception Handling is a mechanism to handle the exception. Exceptions are the unforcing errors that occurs due to abnormal conditions. Is a runtime error that anses in program when a program execute. Developers take primitive measures to avoid the e... Read complete answers


  • 4.a.

    (a) Explain any three types of loop available in Visual Basic.NET with example.

    Looping Statement A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple number of times. VB.NET provides following types of loops to handle looping requirements: 1. Do Loop The Do loop executes a particular statement until... Read complete answers


  • 4.b.

    (b) What is a procedure? Explain different types of procedures in Visual Basic.NET. Write a procedure to find area, circumference of a circle.

    Procedure are set of program statements that is executed by referring to the procedure call. It is a key to the modular programming It simplifies the task of maintaining and debugging the application code. They are used for performing repetitive tas... Read complete answers


  • 5.a.

    (a) Write a program to find factorial of a number accepted by user, and another program to find whether the given number is a prime number or not.

    Factorial of a Number Module Factorial Sub main() Dim n, i, f As Integer Console.Write("Enter a Number: ") n = CInt(Console.ReadLine()) f = 1 If n < 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Factorial of negat... Read complete answers


  • 5.a.

    (a) Write a program to find factorial of a number accepted by user, and another program to find whether the given number is a prime number or not.

    Prime No Module Prime Sub main() Dim i, j As Integer Dim t As Boolean i = TextBox1.Text t = True For j = 2 To (i - 1) If i Mod j = 0 Then t = False Exit For End... Read complete answers


  • 5.b.

    What is Code Access Security?

    CLR checks to see that there is authorized access. CAS is CLR's security system which helps in keeping the information secured and ensures that there is no unauthorized access. CAS does the following:- Restrict the code Restrict the code that has be... Read complete answers


  • 7.a.

    (a) Explain the use and working of OpenDialog, Save Dialog, Color Dialog and Font Dialog Controls along with their example,

    Color Dialog The ColorDialog control class represents a common dialog box that displays available colors along with controls that enable the user to define custom colors. It lets the user select a color. The main property of the ColorDialog control i... Read complete answers


  • 7.b.

    {b) Explain the concept of Constructor and Destructor with suitable example.

    Constructors are used for creating objects. The life of an object begins when we create an object using new keyword. The life of an object ends after it goes out of scope or set to nothing and is released by the .NET. Constructors and destructors are... Read complete answers


  • 8.a.

    (a) Explain ADO.Net architecture and their components in details.

    Main components of ADO.NET for accessing data are the .NET framework data providers and the dataset. ADO.NET is establishing a connection with a data source or data store, send queries and update statements to the data source and returns the result. ... Read complete answers


  • 8.b.

    (b) Write short note on : Data Set, Data Reader and Connection Objects.

    Data Set: It uses the disconnected architecture and the data will be in memory cache. It represents the in memory presentation of data and can be considered as local copy of the portions of the database. Types of Datasets Datasets are classified into... Read complete answers


  • 8.b.

    (b) Write short note on : Data Set, Data Reader and Connection Objects.

    Data Reader This is a stream based object which provides a high performance stream of data from the database. It is used to retrieve data in a forward and read only mode. Updating the data is not allowed using Datareader Object. DataReader results in... Read complete answers


  • 9.a.

    What is Crystal Report? Write the steps to create a Crystal Report.

    Crystal Report Crystal Report is an application which can generate various reports from different data sources, we can create reports, print and preview those report using it, It is compatible with almost a developing platforms and databases, In thi... Read complete answers


  • 9.b.

    (b) Write a Program to the ADO.Net code to insert the record into the employee table containing the columns such as emp_id, emp_name and salary.

    SQLServerConnection Conn; Conn = new SQLServerConnection("host=nc-star;port=1433; User ID=test01;Password=test01; Database Name=Test"); try { Conn.Open(); } catch (SQLServerException ex) { // Connection failed Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; }... Read complete answers


  • 1.a.

    Attempt  the following:

    (a) What are various components in Visual Basic.NET IDE?

    1. Toolbox -: Visual Studio provides a toolbox which contains number of tools which we can use in our application to make the application more attractive. Some of the tool box are Menu, keyboard and mouse etc. From this toolbox,we can also select lab... Read complete answers


  • 1.b.

    Attempt  the following:

    (b) What is enumeration? Explain with example.

    When we are in a situation to have a number of constants that are logically related to each other, we can define them together these constants in an enumerator list. An enumerated type is declared using enum keyword. Syntax : Enum enumeration name [A... Read complete answers


  • 1.c.

    Attempt  the following:

    (c) Differentiate between Optional Argument and ParamArray argument in Procedure calling with example.

    Optional Argument We can specify that the procedure parameter is optional and no argument has to be supplied when the procedure is called. optional Parameters are indicated by the optional keyboard to the procedure definition. The following rules may... Read complete answers


  • 1.c.

    Attempt  the following:

    (c) Differentiate between Optional Argument and ParamArray argument in Procedure calling with example.

    ParamArray Using a parameter array, you can pass an array of values for an argument of a procedure. The ParamArray keyword is used to denote a parameter array. Rules to Follow while Using a Parameter Array:- • You cannot use more than one para... Read complete answers


  • 1.d.

    Attempt  the following:

    (d) Difference between list box and combo box.

    table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; } List Box and Combo Box ListBox Combobox 1. We can select multiple options from the list. We can select only one option from the list. 2. We can't add informat... Read complete answers


  • 1.e.

    Attempt  the following:

    (e) What are different data types in VB.Net.

    There are two types of data available in .net:- Numeric Data Types Non Numeric Data Types Numeric Data Types Numeric Data Types are the types of data that consist of numbers, which can be computed mathematically with various standard openos such ... Read complete answers


  • 1.f.

    Attempt  the following:

    (f) Explain Dynamic Array? Explain with suitable example.

    Dynamic Arrays are arrays that can be dimensioned and redimensioned as per the need of the program. If we don't know the size of the assay, then this would be very helpful for stoning the data. The Redim and Preserve statements are used for this purp... Read complete answers


  • 1.g.

    Attempt  the following:

    (g) Explain the various features of Net.

    .NET is a collection of languages and frameworks. Possible to develop console application, web application, mindows application, mobile application. .NET is a microsoft web services strategy to connect information people, system and devices to share... Read complete answers


  • 1.h.

    Attempt  of the following

    (h) Difference between ADO and ADO.Net

    ADO Disconnection Oriented Model Dataset object used. One dataset is a collection of one or more tables and their relations. ADO.NET uses XML, XSD for interchange of data. Richer data types support for data exchange. Full support of XML. Rows are re... Read complete answers


  • .

    Attempt  of the following

    (i) Explain assemblies in VB.NET.

    Assembly is a deployable unit which stores the information for implementation of structure, classes and interface. Assembly also stores namespaces. All the applications are constructed from assemblies. Assemblies are the basic building block of all ... Read complete answers


  • .

    Attempt  of the following

    (j) What is difference between a picture box and image box control.

    table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; } Image Box and Picture Box PictureBox ImageBox 1. It act as a container control. It doesn't act as a container control. 2. It make use of memory for storing the ... Read complete answers


  • 1.i.

    Attempt  of the following

    (i) Explain namespaces.

    The grouping of code can be achieved through two ways. First one is logical grouping or Namespaces and other one is physical grouping or assemblies. These namespaces are similar to packages of Java. The logical group of related classes and interface... Read complete answers


  • 1.k.

    Attempt  of the following

    (k) Explain garbage collector and its use.

    Automatic Memory Management is one of the services that CLR provides during execution. There is an inbuilt class called garbage collector which manages the release of memory for deploying an application. Garbage Collector Garbage Collector is the... Read complete answers


  • 6.a.

    Define following terms:

    (a) Message Box

    It is used to display a dialog box with OK and Cancel buttons and then an action is performed based on the button clicked by the user. To display a simple message box, you can use the MsgBox() function with the following syntax: MsgBox(Message) Ex... Read complete answers


  • 6.b.

    Define following terms:

    (b) Check Box

    The CheckBox controls are used for offering a small set of choices from which a user can choose one or more options. A CheckBox indicates whether a particular condition is on or off. Properties Text It denotes the text to be displayed on the screen... Read complete answers


  • 6.c.

    Define following terms:

    (c) inheritance

    The capability of a class to derive properties and characteristics from another class is called Inheritance. it is possible to inherit attributes and methods from one class to another. We group the "inheritance concept" into two categories: The deri... Read complete answers


  • 6.d.

    Define following terms:

    (d) List view

    This is used to display the list of items. Windows Explorer right pane is a god example of list view. We can view the items in four different modes-LargeIcon, SmallIcon, List, Tile and Details. List View's view property is used to set the above... Read complete answers


  • 6.e.

    Define following terms:

    (e) Text Box

    This is mainly used for accepting user input and can be used to retrieve the data from the database. It is also used to update the database records. These textboxes can be multiline, editable and read only. It is the subclass of System.Windows.Forms.... Read complete answers


  • 6.f.

    Define following terms:

    (f) Overloading

    Overloading allow the user to write more than one procedure,constructor or property in a class. It is a feature where two or more methods can have the same name but different parameters. Function overloading can be considered as an example of polymor... Read complete answers


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Front End Design Tools Vb Net


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