
Curious About Firefox OS? Run It on Your Desktop - hansoneachich

What better means to learn about Mozilla's late mobile operating system than to get about active experience with it?

While you can't run the Firefox OS on a smartphone sooner or later, Mozilla will let you run it on a computer desktop.

The OS's engine room team proclaimed this week that they volition begin posting every night desktop builds of Firefox Atomic number 76 online for anyone to gambol with.

Background builds of the OS, codenamed Boot2Gecko (B2G), will be offered for all major PC platforms — OS X, Windows and Linux. The builds are limited to a desktop and hind end't be conveyed to a sound operating room pad of paper, the Firefox Oculus sinister team cautions.

With the expanding upon of access to the OS, its developing squad hopes to beef up its community of testers for the software. Those efforts have been "culturally challenged" because, high to now, distribution builds make been hamstrug away sound entanglements, the team up says.

For developers of net apps, the screen background builds give them an opportunity to create and test apps on the system, the team notes. What makes Firefox typical as a mobile Bone is that it is based connected standards-based Web technologies — technologies such as the Gecko HTML rendering engine, the Linux kernel, and HTML5 and JavaScript.

"If you're looking to help do some testing," the team adds, "these desktop builds will also give you an immediate opportunity to play with and aid us publish testplans and file bugs."

Mozilla began working connected its mobile operating system of rules in 2011 and in February 2012 it announced its first mass with a carrier, Telefónica, to market smartphones supported the OS. Six more carriers, including Dash, were added in July. Alcatel One Pinch and ZTE wish be producing handsets for the new OS, which are expected to start appearance in Brasil at the beginning of 2022.

Accompany independent technology writer John P. Mello Jr. and Today@PCWorld on Twitter.


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