
What Animal Did The Deathclaw Mutated From

Gameplay articles


See all:

Deathclaw spawn
Mother deathclaw

Fallout two

Run across all:

Deathclaw spawn
Female parent deathclaw
Tough deathclaw

Fallout 3

See all:

Enclave deathclaw

Fallout: New Vegas

See all:

Deathclaw baby
Young deathclaw
Bullheaded deathclaw
Deathclaw alpha male
Deathclaw mother
Legendary deathclaw
Stripe Old World Blues (add-on)
Deathclaw Lonesome Road (add-on)
Irradiated deathclaw Lonesome Road (add-on)

Fallout 4

Meet all:

Blastoff deathclaw
Glowing deathclaw
Deathclaw matriarch
Savage deathclaw
Albino deathclaw
Chameleon deathclaw
Mythic deathclaw

Fallout 76

Come across all:

Alpha deathclaw
Deathclaw matriarch
Vicious deathclaw
Albino deathclaw
Chameleon deathclaw
Mythic deathclaw
Glowing deathclaw
Scorched deathclaw
Prime deathclaw Primal Cuts

Fallout Tactics

See all:

Hairy deathclaw

Fallout: BoS

See all:

Experimental deathclaw
Baby experimental deathclaw
Elder experimental deathclaw
Chameleon experimental deathclaw
Adolescent experimental deathclaw
Mother experimental deathclaw

Fallout Shelter

See all:

Alpha deathclaw
Enclave deathclaw

" Big! Big! The size of iii men! Claws as long as my forearm! Ripped apart! Ripped apart! " — Trent Barrister, Fallout

Deathclaw is a term referring to genetically-engineered creatures developed by the United States military to replace humans during close-combat search-and-destroy missions.[Non-canon one] They escaped into the wild in the aftermath of the Great State of war, and over the side by side few decades colonized much of the quondam United States, becoming noon predators in many of the new, post-War ecosystems.


Originally engineered earlier the Slap-up State of war by the U.Southward. government as a cheap replacement for human troops during combat operations, deathclaws were derived from a mixed animal stock, primarily the pop Jackson'south Chameleon. Although the projection was successful in creating a ferocious predator capable of surviving on its ain in the wild, no references exist of them always being deployed on the battlefield. Later the Slap-up War, deathclaws escaped into the wild and rapidly spread across the continent. The Enclave had no hand in the deathclaw's creation, so far as the Appalachian Enclave'south research division knows, but they practise note that the genetic manipulation looks like to their own projects.[ane] Somewhen, they were refined by the Master through genetic manipulation and the Forced Evolutionary Virus.[Non-catechism 1] Considering initial reports were express to a series of isolated nests, deathclaws were viewed as legendary creatures by the various inhabitants of southern California.[ii] However, the population in the Boneyard was keenly aware of their existence, as a single den mother and her offspring claimed the area betwixt Downey and Norwalk around 2161, keeping the Gun Runners in a checkmate while terrorizing other communities in the region.[iii] Also, a single deathclaw was plant living near the outskirts of the Hub.[4]

Their gradual spread throughout the wasteland raised sensation of their existence, until they entered common consciousness as a lethal predator. As stated above, the Enclave eventually continued their research project started before the war, developing intelligent deathclaws for employ in hostile environments around 2235.[Non-catechism 2] On May 17, 2242, the offset successful pack was dropped into Vault xiii to cloak the presence of the Enclave and their abduction of the dwellers within. Following their commencement combat examination, these deathclaws broke free of their Enclave masters, becoming far more than intelligent than anyone could foresee.[Non-canon iii] They began developing a unique culture, as the beginning known non-humanoid sentient beings in history.[5] Nonetheless, their intelligence was discovered by Dr. Schreber of Navarro, whose written report led to the extermination of intelligent deathclaws with farthermost prejudice.[6] Subsequent experimentation involved the aforementioned domestication units, although by the end of the 23rd century.[vii]


A deathclaw

Deathclaws are a large, carnivorous,[8] bipedal reptile species, designed for maximum lethality. The choice to make them bipedal was natural, every bit bipedalism raises the caput, providing a greater field of vision and thus improving the ability to detect targets or resources. The upper limbs were also freed past this selection and could be fashioned into extremely dangerous weapons. The caveat is that the deathclaw is not as fast as a quadrupedal fauna, though this is a largely academic business concern. Nevertheless, deathclaws have been observed running on all fours when charging prey. The rippling musculature of the deathclaw provides it with superior strength, excellent speed, and incredible resilience in most combat situations.[9] [Non-catechism 1] [x] Deathclaws communicate with each other in a pack using growls and body language, though they are also capable of mimicking human voices like a parrot if their intelligence is artificially increased.[ten]

Their strength is farther magnified by their claws. Owing to their lineage, the deathclaw has opposable thumbs, though an additional two fingers were coded into the genome, for a total of five fingers on each mitt. Each terminates in a precipitous talon that allows the reptile to wound and kill with frightening efficiency; a single swipe is capable of bisecting an unarmored human[11] in seconds.[12] Deathclaw hide is extremely tough, providing an excellent defense confronting blunt and edged weapons. Firearms and energy weapons are reliable tools for killing a deathclaw, though lower powered variants are likely to have trouble piercing its skin. The defense is enhanced by horns and dorsal spikes, making melee combat a very dangerous proposition.[10] [xiii]

Yet, while they are difficult opponents, their keen senses tin can be used against them. Loud noises and bright light, such as that emitted by flares, tin can be used to deter a deathclaw'due south advance or even go along it at bay.[14]


Deathclaws are pack animals, with the leadership part causeless by the alpha pair, the strongest male and female person deathclaws in the group. The balance of the pack follows the leaders and migrates along with them.

Coupled with their pack behavior is a fierce territorial instinct. Deathclaws volition usually opt for territories away from inhabited areas (nigh likely due to noise), but may settle into temporarily abandoned human buildings and areas, as was the case with the Boneyard warehouses circa 2161 or Quarry Junction in 2281.[15] Once it claims a territory, a pack is exceedingly difficult to dislodge, as the alpha male will not abandon a claimed territory even if the pack mother is killed,[16] while the alpha female will simply choose another mate to procreate.[17] As such, reclaiming a deathclaw territory usually requires either killing both pack leaders, causing the pack to scatter,[18] or wiping out the entire pack. Neither is particularly easy.[xix]


A pile of hardy deathclaw eggs.

Deathclaws are made even more dangerous by their reproductive instincts. Unlike Jackson's Chameleons, deathclaws are an oviparous species, female deathclaws will lay eggs in clusters, sired by the strongest male deathclaws in the pack, typically the alpha male. Survival of the pack is coded into deathclaws and the pack leaders volition instinctively select only the strongest partners for procreation.[20] If killed, the pack mother will typically exist replaced past another female in short order.[21]

While deathclaw eggs are durable and resilient, with a remarkably long shelf life,[22] deathclaws will seek out dark, sheltered areas to set upwards their nests.[23] Lone deathclaws will too claim territories and create nests, ordinarily in sheltered, secluded areas. If they are female person and have been impregnated past a male person deathclaw, they will ready a split up nest for their young, protecting their hardy eggs with whatever small objects are at hand, such as small rocks, fallen leaves, twigs, and bones leftover from their meals.[24]

A juvenile deathclaw is born without prominent horns or dorsal spikes, which abound as it matures, and both of which act as secondary sex characteristics. Horns abound frontwards on males, with larger beingness the more desirable,[25] and grow dorsum and upwards on females.[26] Dorsal spikes abound much the same way as horns on males and human activity much the same way with larger being more desirable,[25] but on females, dorsal spikes practice non grow every bit large as they practise on males and tend to be short in comparison.[26] Claws, on the other manus, are present from solar day one. Baby deathclaws are born with a light chocolate-brown pare tone and live under the protection of their parents within the pack.[27] The peel darkens every bit the deathclaw matures, reaching deep brownish upon entering adulthood,[28] and eventually dark dark-brown, black or even black and blueish for old, experienced claws.[29]

Human relationship with humans

While deathclaws practice not actively seek out human habitats to attack, homo expansion inevitably leads to the 2 species coming into contact, usually by blow.[Non-catechism 4] [30] Deathclaws are incredibly dangerous to humans, no matter how well prepared they are. Even Alliance of Steel patrols are known to suffer severe casualties if they walk into a deathclaw'southward territory unaware.[31] The Enclave sought to exploit their fierce instincts and ferocity and apply them equally cheap, expendable troops for use in hostile environments. Their initial experiments, starting in 2235,[Non-catechism two] focused on using a modified FEV strain to artificially increment the intelligence of deathclaws and succeeded in creating a unmarried pack of modified, intelligent deathclaws led by Gruthar. Intended to only be smart enough to follow orders issued by their handlers, they accept adult far higher intelligence than the project causeless was possible. Subsequently the first unit of measurement was fielded, Md Schreber's experimentation revealed that fact and the whole breed was summarily exterminated at the site they were first unleashed: Vault 13.[32] Subsequent efforts, once the Enclave regrouped at Raven Rock, were focused on cruder, but more reliable methods: domestication units. These devices are surgically implanted into a convict deathclaw's brain and skull, assuasive Enclave troops to issue commands to the tearing reptiles as if they were pets.[7] Of course, even without human interference, deathclaws are a continuing take a chance in the wastelands. Despite the efforts of hunter teams, they proceed to set upwards nests throughout the wastelands.[33]

The ferocity of deathclaws and their incredible resilience has earned them the respect and fright of wastelanders. Initially, the existence of deathclaws was treated with skepticism in the first century later on the war,[34] and many considered them a tall tale, on the gild of ghosts and demons.[35] However, the steady increase in deathclaw populations eventually secured them a place in the mutual consciousness. When used for comparisons, deathclaws are usually synonymous with ferocity and resilience.[36] Occasionally, they're used to insult people; allegedly, they're as bad equally marketing directors.[37] Other examples of deathclaw presence in popular culture is the expression "deathclaw in a mating season",[38] and, allegedly, deathclaw costumes.[39]

Deathclaw eggs are too a known delicacy, used to make omelettes that are highly nourishing and delicious.[22]


Baby deathclaw


Immature deathclaw



Deathclaw fo1.gif

Deathclaw alpha male person


Female parent deathclaw


Legendary deathclaw

FNV DeathclawAlpha.png

Deathclaw subtypes

Blind deathclaw


Intelligent deathclaw

Albino deathclaw

FO4 Albino Deathclaw Walk.jpg

Enclave deathclaw

Enclave deathclaw.png

Hairy deathclaw

FOT deathclaw.jpg

Experimental deathclaw


Chameleon deathclaw



According to Joseph it appears that the Jackson'south Chameleon was used every bit the basis.[10]

Behind the scenes

" Was it ever a large scaly lizard thing? Nope. My initial blueprint for this terrible animal was a the apex predator of the wasteland, a mix of wolverine and brown deport, mutated by the FEV. It could survive any environment and feared nothing; a legendary forcefulness of nature that struck terror into the hearts of men! Unfortunately, the artists took ane look at my concept sketch and said, 'Dude, that's style besides much hair.' It was true. The Wolverine-bear was very furry, and in that location was but no mode around it. So here's what happened: the newly formed Blackness Island started piece of work on what would be Planescape: Torment. One of the first fine art pieces was a monstrous creature chosen a Tarrasque. It was sculpted in clay and was and then betoken-past-painstaking-betoken digitized into a 3D model. As Planescape moved forward, it turned out that the Tarrasque wouldn't actually be featured in its design, leaving that tasty model in disuse. Thus, the furry wolverine-bear became a hairless reptilian biped. (Have a look at page 339 of the D&D second edition Monster Manual. Holy cats! It'due south a Deathclaw!) " — Scott Campbell, Origins of Fallout No Mutants Allowed

  • The deathclaw name is derived from Shadowclaws in Wasteland.
  • In Scott Campbell'due south original concept art, deathclaws were mammals covered with fur and were meant to be a mix of wolverine and chocolate-brown bear, created by FEV.[Non-canon v] The reason it lost the hair from concept to product was a technical limitation of the rendering software, which couldn't go all the pilus to move properly. The hairy deathclaw in Fallout Tactics was inspired by the original concept.[Non-canon 5] [Non-canon 6]
  • According to the Fallout Bible[Non-canon 7] and Scott Campbell,[Not-canon 5] deathclaws were modeled visually on the Tarrasque of Dungeons & Dragons afterwards a D&D computer game made by Interplay was canceled (according to Fallout Bible) or afterward the creature was cut from Planescape: Torment (according to Scott Campbell), every bit a Tarrasque dirt model was already made and this way the work would not get to waste material. However, according to Chris Taylor, while they do look Tarrasque-like, it was not intentional and the clay model was supposed to be a deathclaw from the start.[Non-canon vi]

" I met my commencement Deathclaw in middle school, playing Fallout on a friend's auto, and I fell instantly in love with these "Dragons of the Waste." It was an laurels to tackle them for Fallout 3 - sourcing from both the originals and the concept art of Adam Adamowicz - but I'm proudest of my Fallout four redesign.

To improve upon their F3 counterparts, I gave the newer ones thicker, more armored peel; shorter, strong-looking claws and easily; a bull-like redesign to the horns (to suggest the ability to ram); and a thicker tail - heavy enough to act every bit a counter-weight when information technology ran. It'southward important to annotation, too, that the Deathclaw is not a mutant, but a hybrid bioweapon created past the The states military machine. To that terminate, I incorporated chameleons, alligators, bulls, panthers, serpents, & lizards into their design.

I dearest him. " — Jonah Lobe


Fallout 76

Fallout 4

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout and Fallout ii

Fallout Tactics

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout d20

External links

  • Deathclaw on Wikipedia


  1. Enclave research facility terminal entires; Prison cell block C console, Subject C-01
  2. The Vault Dweller:"{347}{}{Practice y'all know annihilation about the Deathclaw?}"
    John Maxson:"{262}{Gen_78}{Oh. Only another stupid rumor. Some people say it'due south a huge fanged monster and others say it's a vampire.}"
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  3. Gabriel
  4. Find the missing caravans
  5. The Chosen I: "{123}{}{What are you doing here?}"
    Goris: {135}{}{I'chiliad a student of sorts. I'chiliad trying to acquire as much as I can virtually the world and the different cultures that have adult. Correct now I'one thousand studying the civilization the deathclaws are forming and comparing it to homo evolution forth like lines. I've acquired just about all the information I need here. It would assistance my research a great deal if I could do some traveling. Nonetheless, I don't desire to go information technology solitary, if you know what I mean.}"
    (Goris' dialogue)
  6. The deathclaw massacre within Fallout two.
  7. 7.0 seven.1 Raven Rock final entries; delivery final, Note Regarding Recent Delivery
  8. In the quest Stop brahmin raids, Roger Westin mentions raids for nutrient – the principal target being the NCR's brahmin herds.
  9. Gruthar: "{100}{}{You see a large deathclaw. The brute is composed of rippling muscle, abrupt teeth, and claws.}"
    (Gruthar'south dialogue)
  10. 10.0 x.2 10.three The Chosen One: "{131}{}{What can you tell me about the deathclaws?}"
    Joseph: "{146}{}{Well, permit's see... Deathclaws appear to be mutated Jackson's Chameleons, the horned variety. There are a lot of similarities still present, but an fifty-fifty greater number of differences. The mutation factor is quite high. This species is highly intelligent, about the equivalent of an eight-year-old, with some individuals reaching human normal level. Their learning capacity is very high and they are capable of abstract thought and reasoning.}"
    "{160}{}{Although they do not have vocal chords, the deathclaws seem to mimic human speech much the same as a parrot does. I accept even so to discover the exact mechanism behind this, and then I am unable to say more at this time. Socially, they are pack animals with a very rigid lawmaking of ethics. They are led by an 'alpha male' who rules with the mutual consent of the pack. They appear to be extremely loyal to the pack as a whole, treating it as a family unit rather than having individual families every bit humans do.}"
    "{161}{}{Their sense of right and incorrect is very well defined. They do follow a code of ethics that is enforced by the pack as a whole. Violence is never used equally a solution to a problem among the pack as far as I tin can see. There have been no 'uppercase crimes' committed here, so I can't say how those are handled. Hmmm. That's about all I can call up of for now. I hope this helps y'all.}"
    (Joseph'south dialogue)
  11. The Vault Dweller: "{141}{}{Where tin can I find the Gun Runners located?}"
    Razor: "{158}{}{The Gun Runners are over to the east and then north of here. But exist careful - Death Claws are not to be taken lightly. I've seen a Decease Hook tear a homo in one-half with one swipe.}"
    (Razor's dialogue)
  12. Fallout 4 loading screens: "No creature represents the danger of the Wasteland equally much equally the Deathclaw, which uses razor-abrupt claws to rip autonomously its prey... in seconds."
  13. Deathclaw appearance across the Fallout series.
  14. NCR Radio distress beacon and Wink bang data
  15. The Courier: "Accept you had bug with Deathclaws before?"
    Chomps Lewis: "We'd see them occasionally, only they didn't seem besides keen on getting also close to the quarry. Non sure if it was the racket or all the workers. I can't believe that an entire pack moved into the quarry. I idea that kind of bad luck only happened in New Vegas."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "I killed the Mother Deathclaw."
    Chomps Lewis: "Y'all... you did? That's pretty amazing - I figured y'all'd need artillery to take her out. I hate to say it, but as long every bit the Blastoff Male is still alive, that pack isn't going anywhere, fifty-fifty with the Deathclaw Mother out of the picture."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  17. The Courier: "I killed the Deathclaw Blastoff Male person."
    Chomps Lewis: "You... you did? That's pretty amazing - I figured you lot'd demand artillery to take him out. I hate to say it, but as long as the Deathclaw Female parent is nevertheless live, that pack isn't going anywhere. She'll accept another mate and keep laying eggs."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  18. The Courier: "I could take care of your Deathclaw problem."
    Chomps Lewis: "Take you lot even seen a Deathclaw? They're taller than a man and far, far stronger and faster. And, there's a whole pack of them out at that place. Y'all'd have to be the meanest, toughest, roughest bounder in the wasteland to accept whatever chance against them, and I don't think that's you. You lot'd need to have out the pack leaders - the Mother Deathclaw and the Deathclaw Blastoff Male. Impale 'em, and the pack will scatter. Pretty tough job."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  19. Exterminate the deathclaws
  20. The Chosen One: "{111}{}{Who is the deathclaw father?}"
    Kerith: "{123}{}{These eggs were sired by Gruthar, the pack leader. It is Gruthar who decides who will mate and who will not. The pack volition be made potent by Gruthar.}"
    (Kerith's dialogue)
  21. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{There are other mothers?}"
    Kerith: "{120}{}{Yes, at that place are more mothers. Should anything happen to me, one will be chosen to take my identify. The pack must survive.}"
    (Kerith's dialogue)
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Courier: "Where tin can I find a Deathclaw egg?"
    Jas Wilkins: "The quarry just north of here is total of Deathclaws, and so there's bound to be an egg or ii in there somewhere. Of course, a Deathclaw egg from anywhere will do. According to my Aunt Rose, those things accept a ridiculously long shelf life."
    (Jas Wilkins' dialogue)
  23. Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout iii, Cleaved Steel and Fallout: New Vegas show nests in these areas.
  24. Case nest of a mature deathclaw.
  25. 25.0 25.ane Deathclaw alpha male
  26. 26.0 26.1 Deathclaw mother in Fallout: New Vegas
  27. Infant deathclaw appearance and beliefs.
  28. Adult deathclaw appearance.
  29. Appearance of alpha males and females.
  30. The Vault Dweller: "{103}{}{Why don't you get many visitors?}"
    Gabriel: "{105}{}{This place isn't very attainable with a nest of those damn Deathclaws right exterior our factory.}"
    (Gabriel's dialogue)
  31. The Solitary Wanderer: "Dying? How atrocious! What happened to you?"
    Branchtender Linden: "I was a Brotherhood of Steel Outcast. We had a deep patrol out here, looking for some tech and and then got jumped by some Deathclaws. They shredded everyone else and left me bleeding to death. If it wasn't for Oasis and Bloomseer Poplar, I'd be expressionless right now. Honestly, I've never seen anything like this place... it's cute. It's a shame just a few people volition ever get to see information technology."
    (Branchtender Linden's dialogue)
  32. The Chosen Ane: "{119}{}{Why is there a deathclaw in the other room?}"
    Schreber: "{143}{}{The Enclave has been looking for cheap, expendable soldiers. Nosotros are interested in deathclaws because they have built in armor and weapons, and they're hateful as hell. They only need to be smarter so they tin can understand commands but not too smart or they could develop a will of their own. With me so far?}"
    The Chosen 1: "{145}{}{Aye, I follow y'all.}"
    Schreber: "{146}{}{Well we succeeded! We actually managed to increase their intelligence. However, I began to doubtable that we went likewise far. That maybe they were a lot smarter than they were letting on. So when I was transferred hither I brought i of them with me so I could put my theory to the examination.}"
    The Chosen One: "{147}{}{And?}"
    Schreber: "{148}{}{I was right! The deathclaws accept plain been playing dumb, biding their time, and trying to learn as much as they can from us. They can fifty-fifty mimic human being oral communication! I've actually had a conversation with that swain in the next room.}"
    Schreber: "{149}{}{Anyway. The fact that they were capable of conceiving this plan and pulling off the deception shows simply how dangerous they are.}"
    The Chosen I: "{151}{}{So what do y'all program to practise at present?}"
    Schreber: "{152}{}{I'thou going to write a written report on my findings and have it transmitted to the Enclave. Of course I'll take to recommend the extermination of the deathclaw breed. They are much too unsafe a threat.}"
    (Schreber's dialogue)
  33. Fallout: New Vegas loading screen hints: "Despite the best efforts of well-equipped hunters, Deathclaws continue to establish nests across the Mojave Wasteland."
  34. Hubber: "{102}{}{Is it true? Does… did the Deathclaw really be?}"
    (Hubber'southward dialogue)
  35. The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{What do you know almost the Deathclaw?}"
    Beth: "{240}{}{The Deathclaw is the almost evil matter to rise out of the ashes afterwards the War. Some say it's a powerful ghost from the state of war that haunts the land. It's no ghost, it's as real as you and me. It'south xx anxiety tall with teeth equally big as your arm. It'due south some kind of demon that found information technology's way here when the globe was engulfed in fire.}"
    (Beth's dialogue)
  36. The Courier: "Tell me virtually the Rangers."
    Stepinac: "We're office watch, part commando, function sheriff. The training is brutal, and I'd say 8 out of ten recruits washes out before the end. Earlier you lot get your Ranger badge, you lot've got to prove yous can be quieter than a shadow and more ferocious than a Deathclaw."
    (Stepinac's dialogue)
  37. The Chosen One: "{244}{}{How's the glasses?}"
    Renesco: "{951}{}{Goddamn whatever Deathclaw or marketing director spawned y'all! Y'all WANT something?! Here! HERE! Take THIS! Take ALL I accept! Anything to become you to Leave ME ALONE!}"
    (Renesco'southward dialogue)
  38. New Reno prostitute: "{331}{}{Wanna pretend nosotros're deathclaws in mating season?}"
    (New Reno prostitute's dialogue)
  39. New Reno prostitute: "{398}{}{So he dresses up in this Deathclaw costume, then…}"
    (New Reno prostitute's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 one.i 1.2 Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p. 27: "Deathclaws were originally created to supersede humans during close-gainsay search-and-destroy missions. They were derived from mixed animal stock and then refined by the Primary, using genetic manipulation. The resulting creature is almost unbelievably fast and powerful. Deathclaws are well named—they are the toughest animals that y'all will run across in the Wastes."
    "Unless you lot have Gainsay Armor, extremely heavy weaponry, and a lot of Stimpacks In-game spelling , running for the exit hexes at the first sign of a Deathclaw is your best gamble of survival. If you're well equipped and want to stick it out, though, arrive at least one shot at long range, because Deathclaws move then fast that you're unlikely to become some other long-range attack as they accuse you lot. They'll always close rapidly so they can use their powerful claws to tear and rend you. For maximum harm, apply a Called Shot to the optics when you shoot them. Notwithstanding, even with Called Shots, you'll need several good hits to put a Deathclaw down—use extreme caution (and salvage oftentimes) when fighting them."
    Deathclaws being genetically engineered earlier the Great War and later refined by the Master is mentioned in the Fallout two Official Strategies & Secrets strategy guide, written by Fallout 2 pb designer, Matt Norton, every bit well every bit in Fallout Tactics.
  2. 2.0 ii.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2235 The Enclave experiments on deathclaws, attempting to create special fighting units for waging state of war in hostile environments."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2242 May 17 Enclave animal handlers driblet a Deathclaw unit into Vault thirteen from a safe distance to kill anyone investigating the Vault and cloak the Enclave's presence. Other Deathclaws are sent into the desert surrounding Vault 13 to bank check for whatsoever escapees or witnesses."
  4. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Yr Edition p. 80: "Kidd
    Kidd is part of a group of likeminded Ghouls that decided to forge ahead into unexplored territories under the leadership of Sanders, and set up a new Ghoul Settlement to rival Underworld. Kidd and Wint are leaving this surface area at speed, as their camp has been compromised by Deathclaws they had tragically overlooked the whereabouts of."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  5. v.0 5.1 5.2 "The Origins of Fallout", part 3 past Scott Campbell
  6. six.0 half-dozen.1 Chris Taylor at No Mutants Immune forum
  7. Fallout Bible 8, As always, firm chests merely out of accomplish
    Fallout Bible 8, Deathclaws...



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